The Session is the governing body of the local Presbyterian Church. The Session consists of members of the local church who are elected by the congregation to represent them to handle the business of the local church, coordinate the church's committees and interact with the Presbytery of South Louisiana and their committees.
The Planning Council
The Planning Council is a group of people, young and old, members and non-members, visitor and anyone who wants to help Share the Good News of Jesus Christ through long range planning of the mission of the church.
Committee on Building and Property
What is its purpose:
To provide for all aspects of upkeep and improvement of church buildings, equipment and grounds, and all properties belonging to the church. The condition shall be such that it reflects our reverence for God and our respect for our neighbors.
How can I help?
Numerous volunteers are needed for this committee to perform such tasks as yard work and maintenance or to make interior decorating recommendations. Simply committing to participate in a church work day can be a tremendous help. This is our church, and committing to its upkeep shows our appreciation to the Lord for all he has given us.
Committee on Christian Education
What is its purpose:
To develop and supervise a program of Christian nurture for the congregation in accordance with the doctrines of the Reformed Faith so it can grow in knowledge, faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.
How can I help?
From supplying refreshments for the children to helping with special events, from leading a special study to teaching Sunday School, there is always something for everyone in Christian Education. Perhaps you have a talent for planning parties, or maybe you would enjoy working with the preschool children during the worship service. There is even a place for the person who likes to shop, as we are always in need of someone to keep our rooms stocked or to prepare for special events. Be a part of the Education Committee to help teach the word of the Lord!
Committee on Communications
What is its purpose:
To tell the story of Jesus Christ and Westminster Presbyterian Church through as many internal and external means as possible.
How can I help?
Do you have a passion for finding ways to share the Lord's Word through different avenues of communications? People are needed to help with both internal and external communication. This committee is responsible for the Mockingbird and Babybird (are you a talented writer?), the church directory, the telephone tree (like to talk on the phone?), bulletin board displays (perhaps you are creative?), brochures, and advertising media.
Committee on Evangelism and Outreach
What is its purpose:
To welcome, inform and orient visitors of Westminster Presbyterian Church. To provide outreach to the community for Christ.
How can I help?
Do you enjoy meeting new people or visiting with others? Then this committee is for you! The primary responsibility of this newly formed committee is to reach out for the Lord to people who are not yet members of Westminster Presbyterian Church. The members of this committee will also recruit or act as host/hostesses for non-church events held at Westminster.
Committee on Family Life
What is its purpose:
To coordinate efforts within Westminster Presbyterian Church to provide support, nurture and compassionate concern within the fellowship of the church and, through its program, encourage the feeling that Westminster is a family.
How can I help?
Do you like to plan special events? Do you enjoy helping people? Do you like to check up on people who are sick or provide transportation? Maybe you like to write cards and letters? This may be the place for you. This committee is responsible for showing God’s love by taking care of our church family in many different ways. They coordinate our Family Fellowship Suppers and other special events. They also are responsible for visitation to church members and acknowledging special events in members’ lives. They provide support and benevolence meals to members who lose a loved one and manage memorial gifts.
Committee on Missions
What is its purpose:
To provide avenues by which this congregation can reach out to members, community, and the world outside our geographic bounds. To support people in need due to grief, illness, poverty, or lack of faith in God.
How can I help?
If you enjoy doing service projects that help people in our community, the nation, and the world, then the Missions Committee is looking for you. The members of this committee explore ways in which Westminster can reach out to those in need through service opportunities as well as special offerings and gifts, thus sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others.
Committee on Stewardship
What is its purpose:
To plan and carry out a Stewardship Drive each year creating opportunities for members to use their time and talents and encouraging members in giving financial resources to support the church budget.
How can I help?
Do you feel passionate about giving thanks to God by using your time, talents, and treasures?
You might want to consider serving on the Stewardship Committee. Each year, we plan and implement a stewardship drive to allow people the opportunity to give a little back to God in response to his great love for us. The members of this committee generally meet from August through November.
Committee on Worship
What is its purpose:
To work with the Pastor/CLP in coordinating all occasions for public worship, making the necessary provisions to ensure that the worship of God is carried out properly according to the Book of Order (Presbyterian Church USA).
How can I help?
Do you have ideas that will enrich the worship experience at Westminster? Would you like to assist with worship, either through an active part in the service or in a behind-the-scenes way?
Be a part of the Committee on Worship!
This committee is responsible for all aspects of the worship service from the more visible lay readers and ushers to the “invisible” volunteers who provide flowers or the communion elements. It takes many people doing many different jobs to create meaningful worship to God’s glory, from the music to the PowerPoint presentations to the sound system.