Westminster Presbyterian Church
Sharing the Good News by Gathering, Growing, and Going!
Growing in our faith and others
Learning about God and yourself is essential to growing in Christ. Westminster Presbyterian Church provides age appropriate curriculm. We serve everyone from toddlers through adults with classes that have been carefully prepared and guided by our pre-selected educators. The Christian Education Committee provides oversight, guidance, and structure to the Sunday School program. If you want to know more information about the classes, please contact Pastor Erich or Leslie. A nursery is provided for infants and toddlers.

Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School is a time and opportunity to get to know others through the discussion of relevant topics. Come and join the fun and fellowship. We have something for everyone!

Group Studies
Group studies typically occur on Sundays after worship, but are open to anytime, anywhere, on any topic that grows you closer to God. See Pastors Erich & Leslie for more details on how to join or start a group study!

A wonderful couple here at Westminster has provided folks with Our Daily Bread for years. Copies of the daily devotional can be found in the back of the Sanctuary.